
    (最終更新日:2024-05-10 11:26:31)
  キャサリン エマ ソーントン
  Katherine Emma Thornton
   所属   追手門学院大学  共通教育機構
   職種   准教授
■ 一般向け情報
研究ジャンル : 教育・学校
研究のキーワード : 言語教育 Self-Access Centres (自律学習施設) 学習者オートノミー 言語学習アドバイジング
研究に関するコメント : 日本および米国におけるアカデミック・アドバイジングによる支援効果、担当する教職員に対する能力開発について主に研究しています。
■ 学歴
1. 1997/09~2001/07 University of Nottingham Faculty of Arts Modern European Studies (French, German, History) 卒業 Bachelor of Arts
2. 1999/09~2000/01 Friedrich Schiller Universitaet Jena 留学
3. 2000/02~2000/06 Universite de Pau 留学
4. 2007/09~2008/09 University of Leeds 修士課程修了 Master of Arts
■ 職歴
1. 2008/09~2013/03 神田外語大学 Self-Access Learning Centre ラーニングアドバイザー講師
2. 2013/04~2016/03 神田外語大学 English Language Consultancy Centre (ELCC) Program Director (English Cafe at Otemon)
3. 2017/04~2022/03 追手門学院大学 基盤教育機構 准教授
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 著書  Thornton, K. (2023). Supporting multilingual practices in self-access environments: Considerations for language policy. In C. Ludwig, M. G. Tassinari, A. Ruiz Guerrero, & K. Nagao (Eds.), Developing learner autonomy in foreign language learning: Papers from the Independent Learning Association Conference, Mexico, June 2021 (pp. 55–79). Candlin & Mynard. (単著) 2023/12 Link
2. 著書  JASAL and the self-access learning center movement in Japan (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2021/07
3. 著書  Whose autonomy? Voices and agency in language learning. Selected Papers from the 2018 Independent Learning Association Conference (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2020/07 Link
4. 著書  The changing role of self-access in fostering learner autonomy. (単著) 2020/01 Link
5. 著書  Hasegawa, Y. & Thornton. K. (2014). Examining the perspectives of students on a self-directed learning module. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2014/06 Link
6. 著書  Investigating the Focus of Advisor Comments in a Written Advising Dialogue. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2012
7. 著書  Target language or L1: Advisors' perceptions on the role of language in a learning advisory session. In J. Mynard & L. Carson (Eds.) Advising in language learning: Dialogue, tools and context. 65-86. Harlow: Pearson Education. (単著) 2012
8. 論文  Thornton, K. (2024). Supporting student­-run workshops in a self-­sccess learning centre. Bulletin of Institute of General Education, Otemon Gakuin University, 2. pp. 63-74 [追手門学院大学 共通教育論集 第 2 号 pp. 63-74] (単著) 2024/03/01
9. 論文  McCrohan, G., Thornton, K., & Yamada, E. (2023). Report on the JASAL forum at JALT2022. Motivation in self-access learning: Listening to student experiences. JASAL Journal, 4(1), 176–186. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2023/06/30
10. 論文  Thornton, K. (2023). Linguistic diversity in self-access learning spaces in Japan: A growing role for languages other than English? Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 14(2), 201–231. (単著) 2023/06/30 Link
11. 論文  Ten years of English Café at Otemon (E-CO): Sustaining an autonomy-supportive learning
community (単著) 2023/03/15
12. 論文  多様な地域方言のトランスランゲージングに関する一考察 ―日本国内を移動する L2 日本語使用者との語り合いから― (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2021/10/01
13. 論文  2020年度基盤教育機構FD「ワイガヤ研修」実施報告 (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2021/03/19
14. 論文  E-CO in a pandemic: Challenges and successes of moving to an online self-access centre. (単著) 2021/03/19
15. 論文  Student attitudes to language policy in language learning spaces. (単著) 2020/11/30
16. 論文  The Effects of an Incentive Programme on SALC Service Engagement and Long-Term Intrinsic Motivation (単著) 2020/09
17. 論文  Autonomy and agency: Voices from within and beyond the classroom. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2020/07 Link
18. 論文  Learners about Learning: highlighting student voices and facilitating communication through a student conference (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2020/07 Link
19. 論文  JASAL Journal: The Inaugural Issue (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2020/06/30 Link
20. 論文  Summer Session 2017: Initiation (単著) 2020/03
21. 論文  Adapting an existing self-access model to a new space: "WIL"ifying E-CO (単著) 2020/02
22. 論文  Evaluating E-CO through learner voices: results of a survey investigating patterns of usage and impact on language learning of Otemon Gakuin University's self-access centre. Otemon Gakuin University Bulletin of Institute of Liberal Arts, 6, 57-73. (単著) 2019/03
23. 論文  "Learners about Learning" student conference review. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2018/12
24. 論文  Learners about learning student conference. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2018/11 Link
25. 論文  Thornton, K. (2018). Language policy in non-classroom language learning spaces. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 9(2), 156-178. (単著) 2018/06 Link
26. 論文  Starting a New Conversation: Using Innovative Approaches to Ensure New Learning. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2017/09
27. 論文  Evaluating language learning spaces: Developing formative evaluation procedures to enable growth and innovation Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 7(4), 394-397. (単著) 2016/12
28. 論文  Thornton, K., & Noguchi, N. (2016). Building a picture of usage patterns in a language learning space: Gathering useful quantitative and qualitative data. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 7(4), 412-425. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2016/12 Link
29. 論文  Promoting engagement with language learning spaces: how to attract users and create a community of practice. (単著) 2016/09
30. 論文  Learning Spaces and Curricula: Models for Enhancing LLS Usage and Learner Autonomy Development Through Integration. (単著) 2016/06 Link
31. 論文  Thornton, K. (2014). Understanding self-regulated learning: Thoughts from attending the self-regulated learning symposium in Shimonoseki. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 5(4), 460-465 (単著) 2014/03
32. 論文  Thornton, K. (2013). A framework for curriculum reform: Re-designing a curriculum for self-directed language learning. (単著) 2013 Link
33. 論文  Mynard, J., & Thornton, K. (2012). The degree of directiveness in written advising: A preliminary investigation. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 3(1), 41-58. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2012 Link
34. 論文  Investigating the relationship between belief and action in self-directed language learning. System 39 (3): 290-301. (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2011 Link
35. その他 Learning space-based initiatives for developing learner autonomy: Design and implementation (単著) 2016/03
36. その他 Supporting student staff through effective training. (単著) 2015/12
37. その他 The crucial role of peer-learning in language learning spaces. (単著) 2015/09
38. その他 Sharing stories of practice in self-access facility design and management. (単著) 2015/06
■ 現在の専門分野
英語学, 外国語教育 
■ 所属学会
1. 2008/11~ Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT)
2. 2016/04~2018/03 ∟ Learner Development Special Interest Group, Kansai
3. 2008/09~ Japan Association for Self-Access Learning Link
4. 2011/04~2016/03 ∟ President
5. 2016/04~2019/03 ∟ Membership Chair
■ 学会発表
1. 2023/11/25 Supporting Growth Through Self-Access Learning(JALT 2023 International Conference)
2. 2023/10/21 Creating conditions for successful self-access telecollaboration(Japan Association for Self-Access Learning)
3. 2023/09/23 Supporting Student Staff in a Self-Access Learning Centre: Creating Opportunities for Student Ownership and Leadership.(JALT Kobe)
4. 2023/05/13 Supporting Student-Run SALC Workshops(JALT PanSIG conference)
5. 2022/11/18 Languages Other Than English (LOTE) in Japan: What Support are SALCs Providing?(Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education, 9th LAb Session)
6. 2022/11/12 Japanese academic organizations and the new normal.(JALT2022)
7. 2022/10/22 Linguistic diversity in self-access spaces in Japan(JASAL (Japan Association for Self-Access Learning)
8. 2022/09/02 The role of self-access centres in promoting linguistic diversity(British Association of Applied Linguistics)
9. 2022/07/23 Supporting Educators Supporting Students: The Japan Association for Self-Access Learning(Gifu JALT)
10. 2022/07/09 Addressing basic psychological needs through a teletandem language exchange(PanSIG)
11. 2021/11/14 Investigating the impact of a teletandem online language exchange(International Comference of Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT2021))
12. 2021/11/13 Serendipities in self-access learning: Positives from the pandemic(International Conference of Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT2021))
13. 2021/06/25 JASAL: Supporting a Growing Self-Access Community in Japan(LAb Session,)
14. 2021/06/17 What are self-access learning centers? Perspectives from Japan(International Association for Language Learning Technology)
15. 2021/05/15 Multilingualism in self-access learning centres in Japan(PanSIG)
16. 2020/12/05 Online and back again: Adapting a SALC to changing circumstances in a pandemic(Japan Association for Self-Access Learning National Conference (JASAL2021))
17. 2020/11/22 Building language learner communities across two campuses. JASAL Forum: Fostering community in self-access environments(International Comference of Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT2020))
18. 2020/02/20 Student Attitudes to Language Policy and Practice in Non-Classroom Language Learning Spaces(Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts 2020 Conference)
19. 2020/01/30 Fostering English communication skills with an extra curricular speaking incentive programme(Thailand TESOL)
20. 2019/12/01 Incentivising SAC use: The role of different reward schemes on service uptake at a self-access centre(Japan Association for Self-Access Learning)
21. 2019/03/15 日本の社会で生きていくための武器-日本語話者としての私と地域方言(日本社会を生きるとは - 言葉とオートノミーと社会的行為主体 シンポジウム)
22. 2018/10/25 Language policy in self-access centres - facilitating or impeding a translanguaging space?(International Conference for Bilingual Learning and Teaching,)
23. 2018/02/15 Multilingualism in self-access centres: the role of language policy in semi-naturalistic language learning settings.(Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts 2019 Conference, York, UK.)
24. 2017/12/16 Nihongo Kinshi? Language Policy and Practice in Language Learning Spaces in Japan(JASAL 2017 (Japan Association for Self-Access Learning) 3rd Annual Conference)
25. 2017/11/16 Regional dialects and second language identity: a narrative inquiry approach(Taipei Tech APLX Conference on Applied Linguistics)
26. 2016/11 English Only? Language Policy and Practice in Language Learning Spaces(Independent Learning Association (ILA) Conference 2016)
27. 2015/12/10 JASAL: Activities and Achievements 2011-2015(Japan Association for Self-Access Learning (JASAL) 10th Anniversary Conference,)
28. 2015/11 The role of self-access learning in preparing Japanese students for global citizenship(Oxford University Press Conference (Oxford Day))
29. 2015/01 Reflective Practice for Teaching and Learning(Osaka-fu Board of Education, Assistant Languae Teacher Mid-year Conference)
30. 2014/11 Evaluating a Self-Access Centre: options and challenges(JALT 2014)
31. 2014/08 The evolution of a learning space: Interactions with and with a new self-access centre(AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée)World Congress 2014,)
32. 2014/06 Integrating Self-Access: an alternative to curriculum integration(Independent Learning Association (ILA) Conference 2014)
33. 2014/05 Developing self-directed learning skills in students: what can a teacher do?(秋田国際教養大学)
34. 2013/12 Incorporating learner beliefs awareness-raising into a self-regulated language learning course(Symposium on Self-Regulation in Foreign Language Learning)
35. 2013/11 Adapting Self-access to Support Learners in Different Contexts(Directions in Self-Access Learning Symposium)
36. 2012/08 Do they even know what self-directed learning is? Practical implications for investigating students' autonomous learning needs(Independent Learning Association (ILA) Conference 2012)
37. 2011/11 The role of learning plans in developing autonomy(JALT Learner Development SIG Conference)
38. 2011/09 The gap between producing and implementing learning plans: The role of learner beliefs in self-directed language learning(Pan-Korea English Teaching Association (PKETA) Conference)
39. 2011/02 Promoting self-directed learning in the classroom(Nepal English Language Teaching Association (NELTA) Conference)
40. 2010/02 Supporting self-directed learning(CamTESOL 2010)
41. 2009/11 Building motivation through shared reflections(JALT 2009)
■ 教育上の能力
1. 2017/03/15 全学教授会でE-COの教育方針などについての発表
1. 2018/04/01~2020/03/31 大学の行事(入学式・卒業式・学校祭)に積極的に参加
■ 職務上の実績
1. 2013/04~ Program Director (English Cafe at Otemon)
2. 2011/04~2013/04 Academic Coordinator (Self-Access Learning Centre)
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1. 2021/02~  The impact of virtual exchanges on language learning trajectories: Connecting Caboolture to Kansai  
2. 2018/04~2022/03  Language Policy and Practice in non-classroom Language Learning Spaces Grant in aid for early career Scientists (キーワード:Self-access, language policy, learner autonomy, active learning)
3. 2017/04~2020/03  日本で学ぶ日本語学習者の社会的アイデンティティとことばの獲得と学習者オートノミー 科研費 基盤研究 (キーワード:学習者オートノミー / 日本語学習者 / 社会的アイデンティティ / ことば / 社会的相互作用)
■ 講師・講演
1. 2023/09/23 Supporting Student Staff in a Self-Access Learning Centre: Creating Opportunities for Student Ownership and Leadership(Kobe)
2. 2022/12/06 Advising in language learning: An introduction.(Online)
3. 2022/11/18 Languages Other Than English (LOTE) in Japan: What Support are SALCs Providing?(Online)
4. 2021/06/25 JASAL: Supporting a growing self-access community in Japan
■ 社会における活動
1. 2019/12~ Founding Editor of JASAL Journal
2. 2019/09~2019/10 Organised Student Conference (JASAL)
3. 2019/01~2019/12 Conference Chair of JASAL 2019 National Conference, held at Otemon Gakuin University
4. 2018/09~ Editor, Proceedings of the Independent Learning Association Conference 2018
5. 2018/08~2018/09 "Learners About Learning" Student Conference at ILA2018 Link
6. 2017/04~2017/07 Organised Student Conference
7. 2016/04~2019/03 Japan Association for Self-Access Learning, Membership Chair
8. 2015/01~2016/12 Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal (SiSAL Journal), Column Editor
9. 2011/04~2016/04 Japan Association for Self-Access Learning, President
■ 委員会・協会等
1. 2022/04/01~ Japan Association for Self Access Learning (JASAL) President
2. 2019/03/01~ Japan Association for Self Access Learning (JASAL) Events Coordinator
3. 2016/04/01~2019/02/28 Japan Association for Self Access Learning (JASAL) Membership Chair
4. 2011/04/01~2016/03/31 Japan Association for Self Access Learning (JASAL) President
■ 学内職務
1. 2017/04~ Director, English Cafe at Otemon
2. 2017/04~2020/03 外国語教育室の委員
■ 学生支援
1. 2016/09~2016/12 With a group of colleagues from the JALT Learner Development SIG, I planned and implemented a Student Conference (Kansai to the World, held at Ritsumeikan University Ibaraki Campus. 25 students from 6 different universities gave English presentations about issues they feel passionately about and engaged in English discussion. 5 students from Otemon took part.
2. 2017/04~2017/07 Organised a follow-up conference, Kansai to the World 2, with colleagues from the JALT Learner Development SIG Research Group. 20 students, including 4 fromOtemon, took part.
3. 2018/08~2018/09 Organised a student conference entitled Learners About Learning, as part of the Independent Learning Association Conference at Konan Women's University, Kobe, Japan, with colleagues from the JALT Learner Development SIG Kansai Group.
4. 2019/09~2019/10 I was part of an organising committee for the JASAL Student Conference, at which over 70 students from 13 universities nationwide, including 8 from Otemon, gave presentations about their self-access centres in English and engaged in discussion and exchange activities.
5. 2019/10~2019/11 I organised and ran a student forum as part of a larger conference, in which students from 5 universities across Kansai gave poster presentations about aspects of their self-access centres and engaged in discussion and exchange activities.
6. 2020/05~2020/07 In order to support students during the coronavirus pandemic, I was part of the Japan Association for Self-Access Learning team who organised an Online Student Forum for students working and using Self-Access Centres in Japan. 4 Otemon students attended this event, 2 as group leaders, where they led group work discussing how students can best support each other through SACs during the pandemic.
■ 教育、研究、社会貢献活動の方針
1. Contributions to Society I believe that it is necessary to take a global view of society, and that every citizen should be encouraged to contribute to society in a sustainable way. In my own activities, I emphasise the need to empathise and understand others through active listening, and to make connections between people who may otherwise not meet – students from different universities, people of different nationalities etc.
2. Education In my interactions with students, I aim to facilitate their learning through dialogue and by encouraging reflection. By thinking about their future goals and how to reach them, learners can gain the motivation to learn independently and be active learners. I aim to help students to understand their role in a global society and take an interest in global social issues, with a view to improving society.
3. Research I am primarily a qualitative researcher, and believe in the validity of narrative inquiry and other forms of research methodology to illuminate learners’ experiences of their world, and the process of language learning. I aim to conduct research which is relevant to my field of self-access learning and learning advising, and which can result in a more effective language learning pedagogy for language learners.
■ ホームページ
■ メールアドレス