
    (最終更新日:2024-09-03 10:47:02)
  ロス エリック ミラー   MILLER Ross Eric
  Ross Eric MILLER
   所属   追手門学院大学  国際学部 国際学科
   追手門学院大学  国際教養学部 国際教養学科
   追手門学院大学  大学院 現代社会文化研究科 国際教養学専攻
   職種   教授
■ 一般向け情報
研究ジャンル : パソコン・スマホ
研究のキーワード : Educational Technology
研究に関するコメント : 私はeducational technology (教育工学)のセオリーに基いて、コンピューターやスマートフォンを教育にどのように活用するかについてだけでなく、学生により良い学習方法を提示できるのか、研究しています。
■ 学歴
1. 1983/08~1987/12 コロラド大学 卒業 B.A.
2. 1994/05~1997/01 テンプル大学大学院 修了 M.Ed.
3. 2016/09~2019/12 University of Florida College of Education Educational Technology 博士課程修了 Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
■ 職歴
1. 1988/03~1993/03 ベルリッツ外国語学校
2. 1992/04~1997/03 芦屋大学附属高等学校
3. 1997/04~1997/07 甲南大学 文学部 非常勤講師
4. 1997/09~2001/08 立命館大学 理工学部 常勤講師
5. 2000/04~2001/08 大阪経済大学 非常勤講師
6. 2000/04~2001/03 関西学院大学 理学部 非常勤講師
7. 2001/09~2003/03 関西学院大学 理工学部 常勤講師
8. 2003/04~2007/03 追手門学院大学 文学部 専任講師
9. 2004/04~2017/03 近畿大学 文芸学部 非常勤講師
10. 2007/04~2008/03 追手門学院大学 国際教養学部 専任講師
11. 2008/04~2016/03 追手門学院大学 国際教養学部 英語コミュニケーション学科 准教授
12. 2016/04~2020/03 追手門学院大学 国際教養学部 国際教養学科 准教授
13. 2016/04~2018/03 追手門学院大学 大学院 文学研究科 英文学専攻 准教授
14. 2018/04~2020/03 追手門学院大学 大学院 現代社会文化研究科 国際教養学専攻 准教授
15. 2020/04~ 追手門学院大学 国際教養学部 国際教養学科 教授
16. 2020/04~ 追手門学院大学 大学院 現代社会文化研究科 国際教養学専攻 教授
17. 2022/04~ 追手門学院大学 国際学部 国際学科 教授
■ 著書・論文歴
1. 論文  Planning a study pathway: reflection and goal setting in higher education (単著) 2024/03 Link
2. 論文  Testing for a Test Mode Effect: A Quasi-Experimental Study Using EFL Vocabulary Quizzes (単著) 2023/03 Link
3. 論文  Analysis of faculty use and perceptions of ICT: planning for effective professional development at a Japanese HEI (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2022/08 Link
4. 論文  It Takes a Community: Faculty Development in the Department of International Liberal Arts (単著) 2022/03/26 Link
5. 論文  Summer Session 2019: Innovation (単著) 2020/03 Link
6. 論文  Technology in Teaching: A Small-Scale Narrative Study of Technology Adoption by Japanese Professors of EFL (単著) 2019/03 Link
7. 論文  Likert or Leave 'Em: Does Scale Size Matter (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2014/03
8. 論文  Experience Abroad: Developing an Enhanced Study Abroad Program (単著) 2014/01
9. 論文  English Entrance Exams: Does Comprehension Matter? (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2013/03
10. 論文  Reading Aloud as a Means of Improving Oral Fluency (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2012/03
11. 論文  Passport to Study Abroad: Preparing Students for the Journey of a Lifetime (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2011/11
12. 論文  Language Ability and Attitudes: A Look at the Impact of a 1 Month Study Abroad Program (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2011/03
13. 論文  Independent Grammatical Study: A look into the performance and motivation of 2nd year English majors (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2009/03
14. 論文  Independent Grammatical Study: A look into the performance and motivation of 1 year English majors (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2008/03
15. 論文  Students can be led to Knowledge, but・・・ Can they be made to "Drink"? (単著) 2008/01
16. 論文  You Can Lead a Horse to the Fountain of Knowledge, but... Can you make him drink? (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2007/06
17. 論文  You Can Lead a Horse to Water... But Can You Make Him "Think" (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2007/03
18. 論文  Computers in the EFL Writing class: Hindrance or Help? (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2006/03
19. 論文  It might not be broken, but I still need a 'quick fix (単著) 2006/03
20. 論文  Comparing College Students L1 and L2 Reading Levels and Reading Habits: A Pilot Study Looking at Literature and Technology Faculties (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2005/12
21. 論文  Improving Technology and EFL: The Double- Edged Sword of Translation Software (単著) 2003/12
22. 論文  Focus on the Students: Motivation through Self- Evaluation (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2003/03
23. 論文  Technology and Learning: A Look at Attitudes and Abilities (単著) 2003/02
24. 論文  A Look at Paralanguage (単著) 2001/12
25. 論文  Massive Input Through "Eiga Shosetsu:" A Short Term Controlled Study (共著・編著(代表編著を除く)) 2000/02
26. 論文  More than Words: Movie Dialogues as Samples of Real Language (単著) 2000/01
27. 論文  Technology in Teaching: the WWW as an Administrative Assistant? (単著) 2000/01
28. 論文  Hollywood Helps the EFL Classroom (単著) 1999/01
29. 論文  Use of Authentic Videos in the English Conversation Classroom (単著) 1998/12
30. 論文  Do I have to? (単著) 1996
31. 論文  Used to vs. Be used to (単著) 1996
32. その他 English Crescent Workbook  2003/04
■ 現在の専門分野
EFL, Computer aided language learning, Study Abroad, Use of Mobile Technology for Language learning, Educational Technology (キーワード:Educational Technology, CALL, Mobile Technology, Study Abroad) 
■ 所属学会
1. 2015/05~ Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
2. 2015/05~ The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®)
3. 2005/04~ Japan Association for Language Teaching
■ 学会発表
1. 2024/05/10 Introducing Critical Thinking as Content to Mixed-Level EFL University Students(International Symposium on Language Sciences: Interdisciplinary Research and the Legacy of Yuen Ren Chao)
2. 2024/01/06 Critical Thinking as Content: Designing a Course for Mixed-Level EFL University Students(Hawaii International Conference on Education)
3. 2022/03/20 News Hour: Students' News Reports(Okinawa JALT HOLT 2022)
4. 2022/01/30 Supporting Change: On Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century(Okinawa JALT: Trends in Language Teaching (TLT))
5. 2021/10/03 Organization, Implementation and Design of an Online Intensive English Program(21st Century Language Teaching: Children and Technology)
6. 2020/11/05 Practice, Pedagogy, and Culture: ICT Usage in a Private Japanese University(AECT 2020 Virtual International Convention: Towards Culturally-Situated Learning Design and Research)
7. 2019/10/16 Learning in the 21st Century(The 1st Jakarta International Conference on Science and Education)
8. 2019/03 Technology in Teaching: A Small-Scale Narrative Study of Technology Adoption by Japanese Professors of EFL(Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2019) Link
9. 2018/12 Mobile Learning and Mall: A Formal Investigation into Informal Learning(The 2nd International Conference on Mobile Education and Learning Technologies) Link
10. 2018/05/12 Using Mobile Messenger Applications in In-Service Learning Environments(Back to School 2018 (Osaka JALT))
11. 2017/12/08 Where do I click? A narrative of the pitfalls and unexpected obstacles encountered by digital learners in an online applied doctoral program(International Conference on ESP, New Technologies and Digital Learning)
12. 2016/12/04 Japanese Culture in the Classroom: Topics and Tasks(Japan in the World, the World in Japan: A Methodological Approach)
13. 2015/10 A Pocketful of Education: Mobile Technology in the EFL Classroom(World Conference on E-Learning)
14. 2015/07/19 Talk to Me: Pronunciation Practice with an iPhone(International Conference on Education (ICE2015))
15. 2014/05/17 Study Abroad: Enriching the Memory(Tasked Based Learning and Teaching in Asia Conference)
16. 2014/01/06 Experience Abroad: Developing an Enhanced Study Abroad Program(Hawaii International Conference on Education)
17. 2010/10 Passport to Study Abroad: Preparing Students for the Journey of a Lifetime(Korea TESOL International Conference XVIII)
18. 2009/02 Public Speaking: A Guide to the Dos and Don'ts(The 5th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching)
19. 2008/02 How Not To Give a Presentation: Things to Consider When Speaking in Front of Others(The 4th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching)
20. 2007/06 You Can lead a Horse to Water, but... Can you make him "Think"?(The 5 Annual Asia TEFL International Conference)
21. 2006/10 My Promise to Me, Myself, and I: Contract Learning(The 14 Annual KOTESOL International Conference)
22. 2005/10 Copy, Paste, Click, Copy, Paste: English Essays Made Easy(The 13 Annual KOTESOL International Conference)
23. 2004/03 Improving Technology: Translation Software in The EFL Classroom(The 25 Annual TESOL Greece Convention)
24. 2004/01 Speak Up for Yourself !(The 24 Thailand TESOL International Conference)
25. 2002/10 Translation Software: An Electronic Thorn in the Side of Writing Teachers?(2002年JALT京都支部年次大会)
26. 2002/06 Critical Thinking Skills Through Web Site Evaluations(The 3 Annual APLE Conference)
27. 2002/01 Culture in the Classroom: a Reading Class with Web-Based Support(The 22 Thailand TESOL International Conference)
28. 2000/01 Making a Website for You and Your Classes(The 20 Thailand TESOL International Conference)
29. 2000/01 More than Words: Movie Dialogues as Samples of Real Language(The 20 Thailand TESOL International Conference)
30. 1999/01 Hollywood Helps the English Classroom(The 19 Thailand TESOL International Conference)
31. 1998/06 Supplying Massive Input Through "Eiga Shosetsu"(日本コミュニケーション学会 第28回年次大会)
■ 教育上の能力
1. 2013/04/01~ Sotsugyo Enshuu
1. 2017/12/08 Where do I click? A narrative of the pitfalls and unexpected obstacles encountered by digital learners in an online applied doctoral program
■ 研究課題・受託研究・科研費
1.   Computer Aided Language Learning(CALL) 個人研究 研究課題 
■ 社会における活動
1. 2013/03 産経新聞(夕刊)文化欄に「記憶より探求させる教育」(ヴィスワット先生と共著)を掲載
2. 2010/11~2012/11 Judge for Ibaraki City Speech Contest
■ 学内役職・委員
1. 2017/04/01~2019/03/31 追手門学院大学 国際教養学科長
■ 教育、研究、社会貢献活動の方針
1. 2019:教育活動の方針 There is a difference between remembering and learning. The former is superficial while the latter requires deep understanding. As an example, a student could score perfectly on a vocabulary test, but not be able to use the same vocabulary in a sentence. My teaching is all aimed at helping students learn. To do this, I try to highlight what they already know before introducing something new. I then try to engage them with new material by providing them with opportunities and activities that will let them explore the material and connect new knowledge with old, forming a deeper or different form of understanding than what they started with. In this term, with one class of students, my objective was to teach students how to conduct basic research. I walked the students through the process of forming a research question, designing a data collection instrument, collecting data, reporting and interpreting the data in both written form and through a presentation. The process was recursive, so students had opportunities to question and evaluate their own and their classmates’ progress. This way, they were better able to check their own assumptions as they improved upon their projects before starting data collection. Once data collection was finished, in addition to reporting the data and analyzing it for meaning, the reflected what was missing from their research projects and how they would change/improve upon them if given a second opportunity. 研究活動の方針 My research is focused on education: both from the teachers’ perspective and from the students’ perspective. For the last three years, I have been pursuing Doctor of Education degree from the University of Florida in the field of Educational Technology. This field is about using research-based theory to make informed decisions on how to better facilitate learning. Currently, I am working on my doctoral dissertation which is about faculty use of ICT usage and issues related to that use. From this research, I hope to better understand and design faculty development seminars that can have a meaningful impact on teaching at a Japanese university. 社会貢献活動の方針 My social contributions are also related to the field of education. In 2005, Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology declared that the 21st century was the age of a “knowledge-based society” and stressed the importance of higher education to the nation. When I teach, I try to help my students develop skills that will serve them long after they graduate from university. In this age of “fake news,” information literacy and critical thinking are necessary skills for being able to contribute to society in a meaningful manner. In addition to my students, I have mentored other faculty. On high school visits, I have talked with high school teachers about these same issues and offered advice on how they can be implemented.
2. Any philosophy of teaching must first begin with a philosophy of learning. When it comes to learning a foreign language, students must develop a skill set beyond what is necessary for most other subjects. I believe learning a foreign language requires a combination of skills: the methodical analytical skills of the accountant combined with the inspiration and imagination of the poet. Students must learn the concrete aspects of the language, for without a well-developed vocabulary and a thorough understanding of grammar, anything beyond basic communication becomes impossible. But more than that, students must develop a communicative competence that allows them to apply that knowledge in original ways. Being new and original is not something that comes easy to most students in a foreign language classroom, so it is up to the teacher to provide opportunities to help them develop these most essential skills. It was the Greek philosopher Plutarch who once said, “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.,” a statement that should be applied to all learning, but especially to that of a foreign language. For any fire to burn, three elements are required: oxygen, fuel, and heat. I believe it is the teacher who supplies the first two elements, while the student provides the third.
3. As I teach, I try to show the students that the English they are learning is real, with applications beyond the walls of the classroom. To foster this sense, I have developed a lot of lessons that make use of realia in the form of internet resources, videos and music, and articles taken from magazines and newspapers. However, just as some wood doesn’t make good fuel for the fire, some materials also fail to capture the interest of the students. As the teacher, it is important to recognize which materials work, and more importantly, which do not. If the material fails to engage the students, it is important for the teacher to examine where the breakdown lies: in the material itself, or in the presentation of the material. Once the teacher recognizes the problem, actions can then be taken to improve it. Nothing can dim a students desire to learn more than being forced to plod through material that fails generate interest. As I teach, I set tasks that allow the students to think and develop their own understanding of the material. I never give them all of the answers, but instead, I ask a lot of answerable questions.
4. Once started, a fire must be maintained or else it will go out. Fuel must be added, and sometimes the flames have to be fanned, the fresh oxygen helping it to burn better. And just like all fires are different, so too are all classes. As the teacher, I believe it is important to be flexible, and recognize that different classes will have different needs. I change my style and methodology in accordance with the individual needs of the students I teach. To keep new ideas coming and to improve my teaching, I try to keep up to date with current research into language acquisition and also perform my own pedagogical research. While student feedback is important in developing as a teacher, so too is feedback from other professionals. To this end, I participate in teacher training seminars, conduct open classes, and regularly attend and/or present at professional conferences.
5. The fuel is the material I use in class. Anyone who has ever made a campfire knows that some wood burns better than others. As the teacher, it is important to use materials that the students can make a connection with. Over the years, I have seen students, even as they spend hours studying new material, lose sight of the fact that language is merely a means for communicating ideas and knowledge. They might study vocabulary and grammar with diligence, but unless they recognize that what they learn in class is not so much an end product, but new tools they can use to learn more, such effort is almost a waste.
6. The heat is the willingness the student has to be an active participant in the class. This is perhaps the most difficult component of the “fire” for the teacher to foster. The best teachers in the world can teach the most interesting lessons, but learning will not occur unless the student has the necessary desire to learn. Motivation can be a tricky beast. To some extent, students can be motivated by the standard prize or punishment inherent in most teacher/student relationships. But this extrinsic motivation, more often than not, fails to push students to push themselves as much as intrinsic motivation, which is the desire that burns within students that makes them work for knowledge. The life of a university student can be a hectic one, filled with numerous short term deadlines. With so much focus on the here and now, students sometimes lose sight of the future. As the teacher, I try to open the students’ eyes to what will happen after graduation. If they come to truly believe that competency in a foreign language can greatly aid their professional lives, not to mention open more doors in their personal ones, students begin to rely less on the teacher for reasons to study, and more on themselves. Once this happens, study becomes less of a chore, and more of a pleasant activity. While I try to help motivate my students to the best of my ability, I realize that ultimately, the desire to learn (or not to learn) is one that is entirely up to the student.
7. The oxygen is the atmosphere of the class. I try to create an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. I am energetic, friendly, and approachable, but I also set appropriate boundaries. I believe that class should be fun for both the teacher and the student. If the teacher is not enjoying the lesson, then the students won’t either. I use humor wherever possible, and always try to share a laugh with my students. I often have them work together in pairs or groups so they have the chance to be active participants in the lesson. There all too often seems to be a barrier in place, one where students feel that the teaching/learning process can only occur in one way: where the material is simply presented by the teacher, and then absorbed by the student. When students allow themselves to create such a barrier, they become unaware of the multitude of learning opportunities available from other sources. I show students how break down this barrier, and make them aware that learning can take place anywhere, from anyone, and from any type of material. When it comes to time in the classroom, I try to create a communal atmosphere. I feel that the best learning takes place when the students come to understand that they can learn from themselves and from each other. I try to limit the amount of class time that students spend focused on me.