ジェイコブ リード
  Jacob Reed
   所属   追手門学院大学  国際学部 国際学科
   追手門学院大学  国際教養学部 国際教養学科
   職種   講師
項目区分 その他教育活動上特記すべき事項
期間 2021/04~
事項 OIDAI SDGs Initiative English Presentation Contest Lead Organizer
概要 Beginning in 2021, I designed and organized the full implementation of the OIDAI SDGs Initiative English Presentation Contest including: - Designing and creating a homepage to run and explain the contest - Creating the rules, guidelines, and judging criteria for the contest - Managing the database for student applications - Creating promotional materials and distributing them - Training and preparing the judges for the first round - Creating the prizes and digital design for all awards - Organizing and briefing the necessary human resources for smooth backend management