オカダ ミナコ   OKADA MINAKO
  岡田 美奈子
   所属   追手門学院大学  地域創造学部 地域創造学科
   職種   教授
言語種別 日本語
発行・発表の年月 2018/09/07
形態種別 その他
標題 日本における女性の活躍推進と観光・旅行分野の状況 : サステナビリティの推進における女性の貢献と課題
執筆形態 その他
掲載誌名 観光学
出版社・発行元 [出版社不明]
巻・号・頁 19,13-27頁
著者・共著者 岡田 美奈子
概要 Sustainability has been increasingly valued as a priority for business and community development, but its practices in travel and tourism sector is still limited. This paper discusses how sustainable tourism and women empowerment would contribute to the promotion of sustainability, giving focus on SDGs, especially Goal No5“ gender equality”, specifically in the tourism labour market in Japan. It is argued that women contribute to sustainability from both sides of consumers and service providers, as it is women who lead ethical consumption, which generates more sustainable society. Women’s role in sustainable tourism promoting communication, collaboration, inclusion and resilience is acknowledged, which arguably contributes to leading sustainable society and well-being.
PermalinkURL http://repository.center.wakayama-u.ac.jp/3432
researchmap用URL http://id.ndl.go.jp/bib/029278969