フジカワ タケミ
  藤川 武海
   所属   追手門学院大学  国際学部 国際学科
   追手門学院大学  国際教養学部 国際教養学科
   職種   准教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2023/12/15
形態種別 外国学術誌(その他)
標題 A Study on Incubators in Asean Universities
執筆形態 共著・編著(代表編著を除く)
掲載誌名 Electronic Journal of Business and Management
巻・号・頁 8(4),pp.60-76
国際共著 国際共著
著者・共著者 Vishal Maheshwari, Angelina Seow Voon Yee, Takemi Fujikawa, Aik Lee Chong
概要 This study delves into the operational footprint and efficacy of university-based incubators in the ASEAN region, focusing on their successes and challenges in supporting startups and entrepreneurial initiatives. By analysing 1,149 universities’ websites and pertinent sources, the study paints a comprehensive picture of incubation programs within these academic environments. The analysis identified 118 universities that have established incubators, aiding ideation, acceleration, and the growth of student-founded startups, highlighting the pivotal role these entities play in fostering innovation and spurring economic growth in the region. The study shows the need for government intervention to promote the inception of more university-based incubators by aligning strategies with the unveiled benefits to fortify the entrepreneurial ecosystem.