タナカ ヒロアキ
  田中 宏明
   所属   追手門学院大学  心理学部 心理学科
   職種   特任助教
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2019/04
形態種別 国内学会誌(First author)
査読 査読あり
標題 Social Exclusion and Disengagement of Covert Attention from Social Signs: The Moderating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation
執筆形態 共著・編著(代表編著を除く)
出版社・発行元 WILEY
巻・号・頁 61(2),pp.133-141
著者・共著者 Hiroaki Tanaka, Tomoko Ikegami
概要 The present study assessed disengagement of covert attention from social signs after exclusion manipulation in an experiment with university students (N = 60). As a result, exclusion delayed disengagement of covert attention from facial stimuli regardless of their types of expression for participants with low levels of fear of negative evaluation (FNE), but such delay was not observed for participants with high FNE. The result indicated that social exclusion enhances attention to social information in individuals with low FNE, whereas it does not in individuals with high FNE. We discuss the possibility that a decline in inclusionary status affects overt and covert attentional processes differently.
DOI 10.1111/jpr.12197
ISSN 00215368