アリザデ メラサ   Alizadeh Mehrasa
  アリザデ メラサ
   所属   追手門学院大学  共通教育機構
   職種   准教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2022/11/18
形態種別 外国学会誌(First author)
標題 Language learning and virtual reality: A scoping review
執筆形態 共著・編著(代表編著を除く)
掲載誌名 ASCILITE Publications
出版社・発行元 Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education
巻・号・頁 pp.e22258-e22258
著者・共著者 Mehrasa Alizadeh, Neil Cowie
概要 This paper describes the rationale, process and results of a scoping review of journal articles researching aspects of language learning and the use of Virtual Reality (VR) from 2020 onwards. Twenty-four articles were chosen for data extraction, including five previous systematic reviews. The analysis confirmed that VR has a positive effect on the motivation of language learners to study but there is less clear-cut support for specific language gains. The most frequently mentioned language target is vocabulary acquisition, and although VR certainly facilitates initial vocabulary learning there is less evidence of long-term retention of new lexis. This scoping review has helped to focus the next stage of this VR project on working with students in the long term on improving specific speaking skills and to clarify the most appropriate pedagogical strategies for the use of VR for language learning.
DOI 10.14742/apubs.2022.258
ISSN /2653-665X
PermalinkURL https://publications.ascilite.org/index.php/APUB/article/download/258/269